Ivanka Trump's Shoes - That's What Poverty Means, Long Hours, Low Pay, Abuse

Ivanka Trump's Shoes - That's What Poverty Means, Long Hours, Low Pay, Abuse
- The activists who were investigating labour abuses at a Chinese factory supposedly making Ivanka Trump shoes have been, or are about to be, released. This is almost certainly because the Trump name is involved, no one is all that keen on yet more publicity over this issue. I do not, of course, condone violations of Chinese law on labour issues but there is something that we've all got to remember. Long hours and low pay, yes even abuse, this is what poverty is. That's why we should all be working to reduce the amount of poverty out there of course--precisely so that such practices become less common, even that they disappear altogether. The way that poverty is so reduced is by all of us buying even more made by the people in these factories, for this is the best poverty reduction method anyone has ever devised, buying stuff made by poor people in poor countries. It's also exactly what is behind the largest surge of wealth ever, that rise of China in the past couple of decades, also of the largest fall in absolute poverty in in the history of our species, that which has happened these recent decades globally.
