How China has dramatically reduced worldwide extreme poverty

How China has dramatically reduced worldwide extreme poverty
- China is looking to shrink that orange square even smaller in the coming years with Xi Jinping vowing earlier this year to relocate 3.4 million people living in poverty into more developed communities in 2017 as part of Beijing's ambitious plan to eradicate extreme poverty completely by 2020.
Despite China's growth resulting in a drop in between-country inequality, it has also increased the inequality inside China, giving within-country inequality a much larger role in global inequality. Today, inequality constrains national economies and destabilizes global collaboration, putting global achievements and aspirations at risk, including the goal of ending extreme poverty by 2030.
If you're interested, the last part of this World Bank report describes successful strategies many countries are already using to fight inequality and hopes to inform everyone -- whether they're government leaders, entrepreneurs, or activists -- how they can make their actions count.
